About Salim Jawid Transportation & Logistics Services Co :
Salim Jawid Transportation and Logistics Services Company is a fully Afghan-owned company. SJTLSC is headquartered in Kabul.
SJTLSC is currently managing a project for UNICEF to hire, deploy and manage Technical Extenders for the humanitarian activities across Afghanistan.
The Education Cannot Wait (ECW) facilitated Multi-Year-Resilience Programme (MYRP) is a nexus program that links humanitarian Education in Emergencies (EiE) programming with the mid and longer-term development objectives for the sector. By effectively bridging the humanitarian-development divide the strategic intention is to: a) catalyze recovery, b) help implement Afghanistan’s new Community-Based Education Policy and c) promote continuity of education. MYRP targets the most vulnerable displaced populations in Afghanistan, with a particular focus on girls, IDP, returnee and refugee communities. Interventions are aimed at i. improving access to quality basic education through community based and innovative approaches; ii. create an inclusive teaching and learning environment for emergency affected girls and boys; iii. improve continuity of education by facilitating opportunities for students to transition to from lower to higher grades; iv. improve the quality of learning; and v. create safer and more protective learning environments.
Currently more than122,000 children are enrolled in ECW supported 3,621 CBEs across nine prioritized provinces of Afghanistan, which are Badghis, Herat, Hilmand, Nangarhar, Kandahar, Kunduz, Paktika, Sar-e-Pul and Uruzgan.
The activities are implemented by the I/NGO partners in close coordination with provincial education directorates (PEDs) and district education directorates (DEDs) and UNICEF zonal offices.
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Easyjoob.com is one of trusted job portal website in Afghanistan which helpes to Afghan employers and jobseekers to find their dream occupational job.