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About Us

About Ru-WatSIP/MRRD:

The national WASH policy 2010 has kept the implementation strategy for hygiene and sanitation very flexible which means the implementation approach could be chosen based on its success stories and good result in the past in the country. One of the new approaches which have proven to be successful in achieving the indicators is the Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS). RuWatSIP based on the success stories and witnesses on the ground has decided to use this approach as a tool for implementation of hygiene and sanitation program. The CLTS facilitator is the grass root level implementer and liaising person with the villagers who can accomplish and achieve the target or bring failures to the project.

Among the others UNICEF, is one of the main donors for MRRD provided support for implementation of Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation (WES) projects in schools and Health Care Facilities (HCF) alongside with assistance in capacity building within MRRD and for the sector.

For ensuring the objectives set in the project document are being achieved through the planned activities in provinces, there is need for hiring CLTS Facilitator

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Easyjoob.com is one of trusted job portal website in Afghanistan which helpes to Afghan employers and jobseekers to find their dream occupational job.


Easyjoob Inc

Khost, Afghanistan


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