Future Generations (FG) is the collective name for an international network of non-governmental organizations including FG Country Programs in Asia and Africa, Future Generations University (FGU) and its alumni in 17 countries, academia, and individual’s experts. The original charitable organization, Future Generations, was established in 1992 for the purpose of learning from, and building upon the world’s most successful examples of community empowerment and social change. It is complemented by the Future Generations Graduate School (Future Generations University) in 2006 in the State of West Virginia with authorization to provide a Master’s Degree in Applied Community Change focus on Conservation and Peace building. The Future Generations Afghanistan (FGA) established in May 2002 and obtained its registration certificate from Ministry of Economy, Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in October 2005. Since 2007, FGA has been operational in Eastern Afghanistan, and successfully completed development and humanitarian programs in Nangarhar, Laghman and Kunar Provinces.
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Easyjoob.com is one of trusted job portal website in Afghanistan which helpes to Afghan employers and jobseekers to find their dream occupational job.