AECOM International Development (AECOM), one of the world’s largest International Development service providers operating in over 100 countries, works with public and private sector clients to achieve sustainable development outcomes through cost-effective, innovative and equitable activities. Our technical expertise and global reach give us a unique opportunity to have a positive, lasting impact on the lives of people around the world. Our government clients include USAID, DFAT, MFAT and DFID. Other bilateral donor agencies we work with include the European Commission, Asian Development Bank and the World Bank.
USAID’s Afghan Urban Water and Sanitation (AUWS) activity aims to provide technical assistance to the Afghanistan Urban Water Supply and Sewerage Corporation (AUWSSC) and the Afghan government to increase access to urban water and sanitation services for residents in six Afghan cities. The USAID Afghan Urban Water and Sanitation Activity aims at strengthening the capacity of the AUWSSC Headquarters (HQ) and six Strategic Business Units (SBUs), and the Ministry of Urban Development and Land (MUDL) to expand and improve access to sustainable water and sanitation services through an integrated program of assessment, planning, capacity building, and infrastructure and equipment support.
About US is one of trusted job portal website in Afghanistan which helpes to Afghan employers and jobseekers to find their dream occupational job.