Opportunity Detail
- Language Requirement TOMOR (Turkish)Not required
- Gender Male Female
- Level Bachelor Master
- Number of Opportunity: 5000
- Eligible Region/Countries All countries
- Medium of Instruction Turkish
- Funding Type Fully Funded
Opportunity Description
Turkey Scholarships (Türkiye Bursları) is a governmental scholarships program initiated by the Government of Turkey in 2012. Turkish Government scholarships are offered to international students from Afghanistan and all over the world to understand and promote students’ capacity from all countries. Turkey Scholarships provide scholarships for long term (all higher education degrees ) and short term programs in the most famous and prestigious Turkish universities.
Over 70K international students from 140+ countries are currently studying in Turkey on fully-funded scholarships. Consider that over 100000 students are graduated from Turkish universities on this scholarship program. Each year around 5000 Scholarships are offered to students from different countries. It is a great opportunity for Afghanistan and other developing countries and developed countries to start their studies in Turkey.
Program types:
- Full-time Scholarships:
- Short term Scholarships
Full-time Scholarships:
This type of scholarship is offered to those who want to pursue a higher degree education in Turkey to study one of the following levels of education:
- Bachelor degree
- Master degree
- PhD
- Research
Important details for Full time Scholarships
- Application start: January 10, 2023
- Application close: February 20, 2023
- Process of Evaluation: March to May 2023
- Interview Date: June to July 2023
- Result Announcement: Early August 2023
- Location: Turkey
- Number of Scholarships: 5000
- Type of scholarship: fully funded
- Fields of Study: Various fields
Benefits of turkey scholarships:
This fully funded scholarship covers:
- Health insurance
- Full tuition fee
- Monthly stipend. 1000 TL per month for undergraduate students, 1,400 TL for master’s students, and 1,800 TL for doctoral students.
- Travel expenses to and from Turkey
- Free and fully paid one year language training
- Accommodation
Who can apply to Turkey Scholarships:
Applicants can apply to this scholarship should meet the following criteria:
- Be National of any country other than Turkey
- Have a good health situation
- Age limit: Undergraduate: under 21 years old ( born no earlier than 01.01.2001)
Master: under 30 years old (born no earlier than 01.01.1992)
PhD: Under 35 years old (born no earlier than 01.01.1987)
Research: up to 45 years old (born no earlier than 01.01.1977)
Academic result restriction:
- Have completed or likely to graduate from an educational institutionUndergraduate applicants must have achieved 70% out of the 100 scores in High school
- Masters and PhD applicants must have achieved 75% of 100 score
- Medical sciences, dentistry, and pharmacy applicants for undergraduate studies must achieve at least 90% of the 100 with great success at mathematics, chemistry and biology.
- Those who completed their high school in Turkey and do not hold Turkish citizenship can apply to this scholarship.
Application process:
Eligible applicants can apply to Turkish Government Scholarships online. The applicants must fill the online application form including their personal information, educational background, work experience, and social activities. You do not need to apply to university. By selecting the University in your Scholarship application, the Turkey Burslarie will do the admission and registration for you.
Watch the video below to know how to apply to this scholarship:
Required documents for Turkey Scholarships:
Applicants applying to Turkish Government Scholarship need to prepare the following documents:
- Photograph ( taken in than last six months )
- Governmental issued document: Passport/National ID card
- High school graduation certificate and transcript ( Shahadatnama) for all
- Bachelor’s degree and transcripts for graduate and Doctoral applicants ( high school degree documents are required as well.)
- Master degree and theses statement for PhD applicants (high school and bachelors are also required)
- Two or three reference letter from your academic or work experience background
- Research Proposal for master degree and PhD
- Any other certificate, achievements, CV(if available)
- Intent letter
- University entrance test ( Kankor) score and its certification or document (if you attended the Kankor exam)
Letter of intent:
Letter of Intent have two sections:
First Section,it is expected to explain the following details: your academic and social experiences relating to the field you want to take an education, your reasons for choosing Turkey for study, and the importance of your future plans for your education and scholarship in Turkey. You can write the letter of intent in the language you can express yourself. (3000 Characters)
Second Section: If you have a subject in your application documents that you think is not clear enough and you want to explain, or if you want to draw the attention of the evaluation committee, please briefly explain in this section. You can write the description in the language you can express yourself.
Study Proposal content:
Subject of study
Working Title (Up to 15 words)(Please write in short and concise terms the title of your work as a thesis or an article title.)
Analysis of the Problem (at least 75, maximum 300 words)(In this section, briefly describe the topic and your theory (concept map) to be used in the study.)
Research Method (minimum 50 maximum 300 words)”(Give information about the academic research methods you intend to use in this study. For example, in-depth interviews, observations, surveys, experiments, etc.) For example, in-depth interviews, observations, surveys, experiments, etc.)
General Structure of the Study (at least 75, maximum 300 words) Write the main headings of the study.)
Academic Contribution of the Study (minimum 75, maximum 300 words) (Explain how this study will contribute to your academic field.)
Literature Review (at least 75, maximum 300 words)(Please write down the main academic sources written in this study area.
Successful applications will be invited to interview.
For more details, you can visit the Website of Turkey Burslarie (Scholarship).