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Organizational Setting and Reporting Relationships: 

The position is located with the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific of the Regional Programmes Division and based in Kabul, Afghanistan.

The Regional Programmes Division is responsible for consolidating and enhancing the linkages between UN Habitat’s activities in the field with the Strategic Plan, the 2030 Agenda, and the UN-Habitat’s overall future priorities and to make sure that they are appropriate to the country context.

UN-Habitat’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific manages UN-Habitat’s project portfolio in the Asia and Pacific region. It ensures that country priorities are in alignment with the UN-Habitat’s organizational policies and strategic objectives and brings through its Regional Representative to the attention of the Executive Management Committee (EMC) opportunities and challenges in the region, allowing for timely feedback and responses to urgent demands and requests from the Member States.


The Afghanistan Programme is a strategic partner of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in promoting sustainable urban development. Since 1992, UN-Habitat has worked closely with the government, municipal and local authorities, especially Afghan communities, contributing to the physical and social reconstruction of the country. Our work has focused on assisting the government in the development of urban policies and regulations; strategic urban planning; increasing municipal revenue; establishing community-based organizations; addressing the land and housing needs of IDPs and returnees and contributing to the provision of basic urban services.

About MGSP:

UN-HABITAT rolls out a Municipal Governance Support Programme (MGSP), funded by EU in nine cities: Kabul (the capital); Herat, Jalalabad, Kandahar, and Mazar-e-Sharif (Grade A cities); and Farah (Grade B); and Bamyan and Nili[1] (smaller but fast-growing and strategic cities). The Programme will support these eight municipal authorities to survey and register all properties within municipal boundaries (for Kabul: one districts/Nahia). This will improve land management (e.g. increase tenure security and reduce land grabbing) as well as significantly expand the potential tax base for municipalities. To facilitate the strategic and sustainable use of local revenues, the Programme will support municipalities to undertake strategic urban planning at municipal level to promote Local Economic Development (LED), stimulate investment and expand inclusive service delivery. The process will be driven by local stakeholders and focus on linking urban planning with finance (public and private investments) to ensure plans are realistic and actually implemented. As Afghanistan is rapidly urbanizing, such strategic planning is an essential tool for managing urban growth and expanding access to services in already crowded and largely-informal cities.

The Programme will also improve the enabling environment for municipal governance by providing technical support to central government-level authorities, including the General Directorate of Municipal Affairs (GDMA), the Afghan Land Authority (ARAZI), and Ministry of Urban Development Affairs (MUDA), to improve national policies, legislation and guidelines.

The Database Associate will report to Program Manager and his/her duties and responsibilities will include the following


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