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About Us

About RHDO:


Relief Humanitarian and Development Organization (RHDO) is a nongovernmental, non- religious, non-political, non-profit and non-military organization, working for development of Afghanistan through implementation of health, community development and capacity development/research projects.

RHDO was established in February 2014 and is registered with the Ministry of Economics under registration No 3121. RHDO is also registered in Ministry of Public health under registration # 504. RHDO is registered in Ministry of Women affairs under registration # 751.

RHDO aims to contribute to the development of Afghanistan through provision of developmental and humanitarian services in public health, training and capacity building of Afghans in healthcare disciplines and skills.

RHDO starts to realize its vision through implementable, context-specific, technically sound and practically achievable approaches. These approaches are: (1) to design and implement the community development programs; (2) to provide primary and secondary health services according to the standards of the MOPH; and (3) to build capacities and skills of ordinary Afghanistan residences and professional of health sector. Since its establishment, RHDO starts to implement 4 health projects as BPHS-SEHAT2 implementer in Kandahar, Paktika, Faryab and Ghazni provinces as partner with AADA, BARAN, M-MRCA, and OHPM. RHDO is implementing BPHS- SEHAT3 in Samangan and Sar-e pul as partner with SHDP and ORCD.

RHDO is sub partner with CARE International for the implementation of Emergency Drought Response in Northern Afghanistan (EDRNA) (the “Project”) awarded to CARE on December 1st, 2018 in Samangan province.

About US

Easyjoob.com is one of trusted job portal website in Afghanistan which helpes to Afghan employers and jobseekers to find their dream occupational job.


Easyjoob Inc

Khost, Afghanistan


business whatsapp:+93749615200
