The Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief and Development, ACBAR, is an independent forum founded in 1988 in response to the demand from NGOs working with Afghan refugees in Pakistan and across the border in Afghanistan to coordinate assistance and delivery of services more efficiently. With its main office in Kabul since 2002, ACBAR brings together 154 National and International NGOs working in in all sectors of humanitarian assistance and development in Afghanistan. ACBAR has a mission to provide an efficient platform for members to carry out effective humanitarian, development, and peace building activities in Afghanistan.
In 2013, UNOCHA established a Due Diligence and Capacity Assessment system within the Afghanistan Humanitarian Fund (AHF) with the objective of building the capabilities of National NGOs (NNGO) to effectively manage and deliver humanitarian programmes in Afghanistan. The ability to access AHF funding in Afghanistan requires robust technical skills, administrative capacity, and an understanding of the cluster coordinated platform. The FCDO-funded ACBAR Twinning Program focuses on helping NNGOs access the AHF by improving localization of the humanitarian response in Afghanistan through professional development of NNGOs.
The Twinning Program Manager is responsible for providing support in this professional development to increase NNGOs’ ability to access humanitarian funding and deliver humanitarian assistance. This is achieved through intensive mentoring by ACBAR’s team and by the Advisors (INGO or NNGO twinning partners), through field visits and trainings, based on NNGO needs identified by all parties. Additionally, the Twinning Program encourages NNGO partners to participate in and engage with the UN clusters to provide accurate data and information to the humanitarian community in Afghanistan.
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