Whatsapp: +93749615200

Alebachew Mammo


Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Work Experience

January 2019 - Still working
Bologna Training & Consultancy Service PLC Managing Director

Trained Wingate Polytechnic Collegerntechnical staffs on environmental and social safeguarding and helped themrnmainstream environmental and social considerations into their participatoryrnprocesses of sub-project identification, planning, implementation, andrnmitigation. In addition, I mobilized a team of experts and conducted a participatoryrngender audit of six indigenous NGOs in Ethiopia with the objective of promotingrnorganizational learning and gender-sensitive agriculture project design andrnimplementation. At the end of the participatory gender audit, we organized andrnfacilitated a validation workshop in the presence of the executive directors ofrnthe six NGOs and submitted six separate participatory gender audit reports.rnApart from that, I facilitated the Emergency Plan Preparation of German AgrornAction (WHH) and spearheaded the ECHO-funded Food Facility and Water FacilityrnProjects of WHH and the Catholic Secretariat in West Arsi and Wolaita Zones,rnrespectively.

Oct 2011 - Dec 2014
ZOA Program Manager




rnrnLed the Somali program office and successfully managed the UNDP-fundedrnAssisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) program and rehabilitated arntotal of 3000 IDP HHs in six insecure districts of Somali regional state. Thernsix districts were highly insecure at that time. Because of that, it was commonrnpractice for us to use a military escort every time. In addition, we ensuredrnsocial cohesion and improved the livelihood options of the returnees throughrnthe implementation of the program. In addition, we developed and managedrnlivelihood recovery and enhancement projects and provided live animals,rndonkeys, and donkey carts for water and animal feed transportation.rnFurthermore, we initiated and managed the UNFAO-funded Improved AgriculturernSolution (IAS) project in Fedis and Midega Tola districts of East Haraghie andrnimproved the livelihoods of a total of 1800 (540 female-headed) resource-poorrnsmallholder farmers through Mung Beanrnproduction and marketing.

Jun 2009 - Sep 2011
Food for the Hungry Program Coordinator



 Initiatedrnand managed the OFDA/USAID-funded Market-Led Livelihood Recovery andrnEnhancement Program, which was operational in "Angacha",rnHalaba," and "Shashogo" districts of the Southern Nation andrnNationalist and People Region. Successfully led the Agriculture MarketingrnProgram (AMP). We first selected four value chains or subsectors (honey, potatoes, red pepper, and Haricot bean)rnbased on the agricultural potential of the three districts. After that, wernconducted a value chain analysis for each subsector and identified some of thernbottlenecks. From the value chain analysis, it was found that a shortage ofrnimproved agricultural technologies and a lack of market were the major problems.rnBecause of that, we organized honey, haricot bean, and pepper producers’rncooperatives in Halaba and Shashogo districts and potatoes and honey producers’rncooperatives in Angacha distinct. In addition, we provided the requiredrntraining and improved agricultural technologies such as improved seed, honeyrnextractors, improved beehives, and others. As a result of that, the livelihoodrnof the program beneficiaries has improved.

Summary of Skills

Microsoft Offices
People Leader
Project Management

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