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About Us

About CPES:

CPES (CAI Private English School) was established in 2015 in Kabul, Afghanistan. It is an educational and training organ of the CAI Organization. The school is primarily meant to cover the educational and moral needs of the orphans generously housed in CAI orphanages, SGH and ZBH. Besides, the educational quality and the structural setting of CPES have been a peerless charm to the community, and therefore, accepting students from other spectra, too.
CPES is well aware of the need for global education. Global education makes it possible considering it a right of the learners and educators to have access to the up-to-day and up-to-date educational standards and sources. This accessibility shortens the distance between the privileged and the underprivileged, the developed and the underdeveloped by bringing up all the learners with a single world-level education. Therefore, for this to be achieved, the language of instruction is English at CPES.
CPES, flagging the motto “Quality Education, Quality Morals” is a pivot that heals the dichotomy tearing apart the two indispensable complementary, Education and Morals. By delivering Quality Education and Quality Morals CPES brings up learners demonstrating personality balance adapting the concrete real world out there to the transcendental moral ideals or vice versa. In other words, CPES is rightly concerned about educating the sciences of the outer and those of the inner which play important roles in paralleling external-horizontal development to internal-vertical development.

CPES Exclusives
•  Gym
CPES has a multi-functional gym facility. Students can play various sports such as futsal, basketball, cricket, and volleyball to refresh their bodies and experience great excitement.

•  English library
CPES has a rich library of nearly 4000 books from different subjects and genres. The library is not only a supplementary resource for the teachers but also is a center for the students to quench their unending seek for knowledge.

•  Bilingual instruction
CPES has both national and international educational considerations. CPES is developing its standards and making some adjustments to qualify as an international school in the coming close years. Bilingual instruction is the final preface to becoming an authentic international school.

Address: Shahrak Omid e Sabz-Darulaman-District #6 Kabul, Afghanistan.

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Easyjoob Inc

Khost, Afghanistan


business whatsapp:+93749615200
