Opportunity Detail
- Language Requirement: Not required
- Gender: MaleFemale
- Level: Bachelor/MasterPH.D
- Eligible Region/Countries: All countries
- Medium of Instruction: English Korean
Opportunity Description
Studying abroad boost your career development and is great for your resume. If you want to study in Korea, we provided you information about higher education and study opportunities in this country.
Three kinds of academic campuses that provide higher education programs exist in the Republic of Korea. Junior colleges offer about 2 to 3 years of programs, universities that offer 4-year programs, and graduate schools with master’s and doctoral degree programs are provided at 4-year universities.
In recent years, separate graduate schools have been established in addition to the types mentioned above of institutions with no affiliations to universities. The graduate schools exclusively provide graduate programs. Cyber
Korean universities are two types of public universities established by local government and private universities founded by non-profit private educational organizations.
The Korean universities and the Ministry of Education of Korea have been actively promoting education in this country to adopt more international students. As of April 2016, about 104,000 international students were studying in Korea, out of which 63,000 were studying in degree programs.
People around the globe select Korea for education because of systematic support programs from the government, a highly competitive educational system, a promising future and world-class technology, and a showcase of rich Korean culture throughout the globe. Also, high life satisfaction for international students, career and employment support opportunities for international students, and transition system from an aid recipient to a donor are the significant factors that encourage international students to make Korea the home for their higher education.
South Korea, like other countries, offers several scholarships for international students every year. According to the Study in Korea website run by the Government of Korea, there are three main categories of scholarships offered to students: government, university, and other. Institutions and foundations most commonly offer other scholarships. To provide you more success in your education trip, we suggest you some major Korean scholarships with essential details as follows:
1. Korean Development Institute (KDI) School of Public Policy and Management General Scholarship
KDI General Scholarship essential details are as follows:
- Applicants must meet the Academic Degree Qualification of KDIS
- Hold a bachelor’s degree (min. three years)
- And not be a citizen of Korea
Funding Type: Fully funded
Degree Level: Master
Opening Date: 1 September 2022
Application Deadline: 23 September 2022
Eligible Countries: Countries on the DAC list of ODA
Read more details about the KDI scholarship here.
2. KDI School of Public Policy and Management Seoul G20 Scholarship
Seoul G20 Scholarship is commonly provided but not restricted to international students from the G20 member countries. The opportunity bolded points are as below:
- All applicants meet the Academic Degree Qualification of KIDS.
- Be from non-G20 countries must have six years of job experience in the public sector.
- Be from G20 countries must have at least one year of internship, fellowship, or work experience in the public sector or a research experience in fields related to Korean studies.
- Must hold a bachelor’s degree (min. three years)
- Must not be a citizen of Korea.
Funding type: Fully funded
Degree level: Master
Opening Date: 1 September 2022
Application Deadline: 23 September 2022
Eligible Countries: G20 countries and non-G20 countries
For detailed information regarding G20 Scholarship in KDI, please visit our website.
3. KDI School of Public Policy and Management Ph.D. Program Scholarship
KDIS Ph.D. Program Scholarship is for capable international students who meet the academic degree qualifications, and the Admissions Committee will decide whether to offer a scholarship or not. Students will receive the Global Ambassador Scholarship (GAS) when nominated for Ph.D. Scholarships at KDI.
All applicants must:
- Meet Academic Degree Qualification of KDIS
- Not be a citizen of Korea
Funding type: Fully funded
Degree level: Ph.D.
Opening Date: 1 September 2022
Application Deadline: 23 September 2022
Eligible Countries: Countries on the DAC list of ODA
For detailed information regarding KDI Ph.D. scholarships, please visit our website.
4. KDI Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation Global Scholarship
Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation Global Scholarship is available for international students enrolled in master’s and doctoral courses at KDIS. Applicants may receive an invitation for an additional Interview round conducted by the Foundation after the final result announcement.
Requirement: All applicants must:
- Be government official from eight ASEAN member states (Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos)
- Should not hold Korean citizenship
- Should meet Academic Degree Qualification of KIDS
Funding type: Fully-funded
Degree level: Master’s and Ph.D.
Interview Deadline: December and June every year
Eligible Countries: ASEAN member states
For information regarding the Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Foundation Global Scholarship at KDI, please download the KDI Spring 2023 Application Guideline from O4af.com attached at the bottom of the page.
5.The Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) International Graduate Scholarship
GIST is the Korean Science and Technology university that offers scholarships for international students. GIST graduate scholarship important details are highlighted below.
Requirement: Applicants who wish to apply for the GIST Graduate Scholarship must:
- Be from any nationality other than Korea
- Hold a bachelor’s degree for master’s degree programs and a master’s degree for Ph.D. programs
- Provide English language proficiency
Funding type: Fully funded
Degree level: Graduate (MS, Ph.D., and Integrated MS/Ph.D. Degree)
Application Deadline: 14 October 2022
Eligible Countries: All nationalities
For information regarding the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) International Graduate Scholarship, please visit O4af.com.
6. Global Korea Scholarship (GKS)
Global Korea Scholarship is for international students who want to pursue their master, Ph.D., and research in Korea.
Requirement: Applicants who wish to apply for the GKS must:
- Be from nationalities other than Korea
- Meet all academic degree requirements of the scholarships
- Be mentally and physically in a good condition
- Have no criminal background
- Other requirements set for GKS
Funding type: Fully funded
Degree level: Graduate and Research
Application Deadline: 1st round application period: February- March (Embassy track), February – April (University track)
Eligible Countries: Nationalities other than Korea
For information regarding the Global Korea Scholarships (GKS), please visit Scholarships.af.
Find More Similar Opportunities
7. KAIST International Undergraduate Scholarship
The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) has announced undergraduate international scholarships for the spring and fall semesters of the academic year 2023. International applicants from around the globe can apply for this scholarship.
Requirement: Applicants who wish to apply for the KAIST Undergraduate Scholarship must:
- Be from nationalities other than Korea
- Students must maintain GPA over 2.7 out of 4.3 at KAIST after they finished their freshman year
- For spring semester 2023 in the early cycle, you must have graduated or will graduate from high school by 28 February 2023 for fall 2023, no matter in the early, regular, or late cycle, you must have graduated or will graduate from high school by 31 August 2023
Funding type: Partially funded
Degree level: Undergraduate
Application Deadline: 21 October 2022 early cycle, 13 January 2023 regular cycle, 26 May 2023 late cycle
Eligible Countries: All countries
For information regarding the (KAIST), please visit Scholarships.af.